Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pride Vs. Love

PRiDE [prahyd] / [prīd]
A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect.

Love and Pride can be complicated at times. Pride controls your emotions. Love can be lost with too much pride. It's like a virus in a relationship; you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. Pride can start miscommunications in a relationship that could go worst if you let it control you. You may lose the love of your life and will have a feeling of guilt because deep in you you know that love is still present but you do nothing because of pride. Yes sometimes it can be very difficult to handle. But too much of it is not good. We need not to be one-sided, listening is a very powerful tool to overcome pride and prevent miscommunications in a relationship. But how do we control Pride? That I don't know. I need guidance, I need advice, I need my Savior and I need my boyfriend.

Here I am again, blogging my emotions the best way I can. I miss him. I really do. But this Pride is so strong that I decided to just wait for him to make the first move. I want to see him. I want to hug him. I want to kiss him. I want to see him. I need him. He's my oxygen. He's my energy. He's my light. He's my prince. He's my life. It's his fault so he'll say sorry soon. I know he will. ugh! When will soon gonna come?


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